narrative work__

Telling your story, emerging me in your systemic experience, creating an in-depth connection for you to open up to underacknowledged aspects of your being. Multi-part anamnesis, questionnaires and inventories, genogramm and constellation work, transaction and language analysis, mapping of thought and behaviour, as well as ego state/parts work. Specifically in the first trimester of our work but also throughout every session in every phase.


Is happening all the time. Especially in the second trimester of our work you'll be introduced to different aspects of somatic work, rescripting/reprocessing interventions for dysfunctional cognitions as well as memory reconsolidation. Supported by emotion regulation, stress management, reparenting experiences and (mostly for couples) co-regulation and elements of psycho drama. This can also be the phase of health-related adjustments and transgenerational work.


Differentiation and then linkage - for a more accurate interoception (reading your physical signals), more aligned values (eg regarding your job or parenting style) or a new narrative about a very bad thing that happened to you. Every session includes integrative movement, thought experiments or interoceptive exercises for ideal synergies of the various themes of that day. The last trimester the focus lies on interconnecting the different roles and inner parts everyone has in their life for an optimal consolidation everything you will have achieved in that time.


Long-term, integrative support for clients with 

  • deficits in attention, focus, emotion regulation, or impulse control 
  • worries/fears, depressive symptoms, 
  • unfavourable early attachment experiences and the resulting 
  • detrimental behaviour (from repression and self-numbing to over-compensation, stressful romantic relationship patterns or other compulsions and disliked parts of ourselves)

four dimensions__


The concepts and automatisms that the past has created regarding self (worth, image, doubts, expression) and all thoughts and feelings. Maintenance on the state of mind, health, possible dreams, challenges, fears, and foibles. And development of resources, pleasures, freedom, and agency,


Every aspect of what's happening around you that you can and cannot influence. Fully systemic. Be it Social media, ex-wife, sick dog,...or what you bring to the table - your behaviour, compensations, reactions. Learning to un-suppress, to withstand, to respond and read cues accurately. Also specifically important in couples work.


Fewer uncomfortable reactions to (unavoidable) challenges. Getting less friction, misunderstandings, waste of time and tear down walls between partners. Unlearning patterns of activation, behaviour and even nociception (pain) and panic attacks. And a big one: less self-sabotage. 


Knowledge about how mind, brain, body and communication work. Adding factual (and doable) daily/weekly steps to a neuro-appropriate routine. Capacity to face painful memories, emotions, conversations with me as your "bonus heart and brain" that you can make use of if things get overwhelming.

scientific fields__

Everything influences everything and all is a cycle and all cycles are systemically intertwined. A change in your environment will change your sensory input will change your cognition and sensations will change your reaction will change interpersonal outcomes will change your self-image will influence decisions will alter lifestyle will ameliorate your overall health will strengthen resilience will affect your perception will influence communication will increase the depth of relationships will have impact on your environment and sensory input and so on. This also applies the from the inside out: integrating a painful memory will change your cognition will allow for healthier behaviour and more skill in empathy and the capacity to handle stress, etc. We're tackling your challenge (or below-par level of satisfactory experiences) from all sides. Mostly working with..


The brain, our "computer" running our lives as we sometimes think of it. Another neuro-myth as is the three level brain with the lizard brain below and its lower instincts, the mammal brain in the middle with its innate needs and bonding behaviours and us, the wise human, orchestrating all of this and possibly "sending" our body as a mode of transportation from A to B or let it do task C, sometimes enjoy a snack or "give us" a really bad back pain after a stressful week. "We" aren't one coherent personality but many interdepending processes in relation to context, past experiences, environment and current level of "am I having a good or bad day today". To get all of this together to an optimal use of your brain, your nervous system, and the body it runs and runs through, we're working with applied neuroscience, your vagus nerve (important for relaxation, stress management, also in trauma, addiction, and chronic disease among many things), and interpersonal neurobiology (the relational space, what shapes us, making use of our evolutionary heritage as the highly developed mammal that we are, and how does cognition work in resonance with others). We are pretty much hunter-gatherers running after a taxi and getting nasty eMails instead of a bear attack every now and then.  If I know what that does to my system, perception, overall health, I can handle it.


Our soul, our personality, our motives and pleasures, but also our fears and painful memories (and what they shaped) reside here. The different schools and theories from Freud to Rogers and Satir to today with their different views and approaches regarding the human condition itself, society, parenting, social interaction, pattern development, trauma and much more will be a stretch for this medium. But it's exactly the integrated way of working together on your hopes, potentials, "triggers" (themes of activation, that is), modes of regulation, blocked emotions, dysfunctional thought patterns, and more. From rescriptive work and trauma informed memory integration and reconsolidation to somatic processing and ego state work (inner parts/critic, child, parent, etc) with elements of psychodrama, cognitive modification and behavioural science. It's not about the principle or tool we're applying but about integratedness for your individual process and current mode of consciousness, at that moment. From dysregulated, agitated or hurt to lost or numb, or possibly grieving .

Attachment Theory

The attachment categories developing in the very first years of our lives demonstrably and scientifically proven shape our every interaction (specifally in our romantic, but also our own parent-child and even business relationships). This is not bad and actually a biological imperative as in babies brain regions are designed to flexibly develop according to the input they're getting. A real life saver in many contexts but still something to be aware of regarding our capacity to trust or tolerate closeness and also disconnection and being on your own (maybe even with the TV/podcast off). Getting to know your own attachment "style" (not the scientifically accurate but commonly known title) and asking and acknowledging the question of whose life is influencing your today's (adult's!) relationships as many parents were not willing to do the work you are doing right now. This allows for massive development and changes regarding belief systems, automated reaction patterns, self-image, the depth of closeness and intimacy you are able to experience, and your perception of the world around you - the attachment system is neurologically active at all times, but also has neuroplasticity, thus can be altered and developed at any age. 


You knooow what you should be doing (more of, or less). Others teach you what to eat, when to check your mails/exercise/quit your job or try to avoid words like "never" and "always" when fighting with your spouse. I'm dealing with the parts that refuse to do so. Why that matters has its base in biochemistry, as our so-called epigenome (the adaptable software that sits on our DNA, a fixed genetic hardware we're born with) reacts to everything around and in us, which is real life saver when your parents suffered a famine in the mid 19th century and your metabolism uses carbs and fats really carefully. But it can be a huge burden when your own grandmother had experienced war in all its horrors, or the community you grew up in had (or even has to deal with) collective trauma. Even on a cellular level. So we're really gonna work on how you react in your social life, you nourish or punish your body (and why you do that or don't), on your sleep, on the toxines in your life, as all of this is actively fixing your epignome withing weeks, studies show. The better you, for instance, sleep, the better you can focus for better results with better feedback for a better mood at home to cook yourself a healthy dinner possibly with a now happier spouse and more sex. Or for performance-reasons at your hobby, sport, interest, also for less pain, digestion issues, or simply more years to live. Whatever the heritage or past experiences that shaped your current level of health, stability, and attitude, this is not the final verdict. 

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