becoming healthier, more relaxed, connected, and fulfilled__

What you're getting

  • an in-depth analysis of the past (shaping our perception, beliefs, behaviours, and our relational quality of life), your present stressors and resources (challenges, physical and social health, dysfunctional coping patterns, possible losses or rejections), and future (regarding personal development with its hopes, fears, and values, as well as its existential dimension of "what do I want?" or often, "what should I want? (and why is that?", and even life and death)
  • solution focused, interdisciplinary sessions for your specific need in that specific moment/context/state (of mind, but also nervous system). From applied neuroscience, psycho education and cognitive re-consolidation to somatic work as well as epigenetically relevant, individual lifestyle adjustments from a nutri-psychiatric, environmental, behavioural, and biopsychosocial point of view - nothing works without the systemic view. 
  • All the empathy, openness, interest, passion, and willingness to understand you and learn about your life from the first second we interact until you feel you're literally good to go

What you're also getting

  • holistic, deeply humanistic, science-backed insights with honest, practical, kindness-inviting as well as thought-provoking feedback
  • highly transferable practical experiences from session setting to every day life and all its contexts
  • next level epiphany moments of "aaaah...thaaaat's why" that'll influence your view on the past, your handling of the present and your capacity for the future (timeline work)
  • an understanding of the mental and physical processes that shape your very existence (consciousness) and become informed of your personal neurobiological integration style
  • you get to confront, broaden, and sharpen your perception routines - because awareness is the primary intervening variable for all thought, emotion, and (inter)action and it is shaped by multitudes, allowing for multitudes to become possible
  • plus, social interaction will become your super power

Sounds good? Book a free intro call here: 

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{{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_service_price }}
no payment method available
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At the practice


Keine Kategorien und Dienstleistungen hinzugefügt!

a few more answers to a few more questions__

 All rights reserved 2025

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