answers to your questions__

What do and can I want from life? What got me here? Why is this always happening to me? ("This" being a certain kind of romantic or professional relationship, a pattern of thought or behaviour or the feeling that life is just being really mean right now) 

Where do I start when I want to change "something"? How much do I really want to change? And what would that mean? For me? My environment?

Who am I in my different roles and states - from private to professional, from hurt to overcompensating parts? And who do I want to be?

How do I let go (of a person, an incident, a hope)? 

Which one is it, when in a conflict you're acting the way you do - a defense or a deficit?

Whose expectations am I striving to fulfill? And why is that?

When did this (trait, reaction/thought pattern, emotional state, ailment, ..) develop and how is this related to its resolution?

Why, oh why, didn't I think of this before?!  ..hashtag epiphany.

And why the name? Because from my very own experience everything is on a spectrum (from personality, resilience, and access to your physical sensations to the ability to read nonverbal cues or simply thinking "this is too much for me"). And it is just a thin line__ from a subclinical state of "I don't know, I'm just not myself anymore" for a few weeks, months, years until you're fully disconnected, in pain, unable to work, on heavy medication - and quite the ride to get out of it.

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