You have recurring themes of avoidance, coping, overcompensation, or suppression.
You're already exercising, digitally detoxing, working on your social skills, went to a retreat or had coaching/therapy. You worked through your last break up, optimised your productivity, maybe even tried dopamine "fasting", holotropic breathing, or psylocybin. And you think you should feel...somehow better?? You're right.
You have trouble accessing your emotions, your physical sensations, or a certain level of depth in intimacy.
Youuuu don't have a problem - but everyone around you does. And your about to face the consequences of your behaviour. Your wife might consider a divorce, your employees keep quitting within the first year or friendship is something you don't consider worth your time anymore.
You're overwhelmed. You're exhausted but you can't sleep, you ruminate, have negative self-talk, you PushPushPush through. You may have psychosomatic symptoms such as chronic pain, auto-immune reactions, digestive, respiratory, or cardio-vascular problems. Your interpersonal dimensions are suffering - you feel disconnected, lonely, or hurt...or lash out at others and isolate.
You're an executive, policy maker, high potential or work in a fast-paced environment like healthcare, hospitality, finance, etc - and need to balance your life domains with regard to how many decisions you have to make every single day, how much responsibility you carry, what role and level of empathy you live and want to convey, and where you might need to cut back to have a slice of private life and personal fulfillment.
Millenials and GenY: meme culture (yes, you can bring them to convey your current mode of being "me rn"), eco-anxiety, economic and political polycrisis, war and capitalism, childhood transmissions into today's relationships, issues with self-worth or -image, impulse control, imposter syndrome and/or focus and attention? I feel you.
You have a human body with among lots of variables a nervous system, a brain, and the capacity to thrive. Understanding how these three work is a major part of your journey as they are the interveining variable before every thought, emotion, action, or let alone, interaction.
Also, mental health awareness regarding subclinical states of psychological challenges.
It's all in your head... well, it's not. There's no homunculus-like "self" in the brain directing our actions, managing our feelings, planning our lives. Understanding our own inner processes and what factors are involved in what final "state of mind" is essential to fully engage in all pleasures of being and have capacity for all stress that will come.
Pain is inevitable, suffering is voluntary,
Human beings (as all mammals) are biologically bound to be social. Our neurophysiological needs can only be met in resonance with others. Thus, analysing, differentiating, and linking our own roles (based in identity, beliefs, attachment) with our relational space is a necessary step for full-bloom authenticity and rewarding social and emotional evolvement without shame or grandiosity.
Your body is not a mode of transportation for your head, nor a detection interface to smell or listen, nor a tool to use more tools. It is all one system - the embodied brain - for instance, neurotransmitters like serotonin are mainly produced in the gut, and our relaxation system has just 20% nerve cells from the brain to the body, but 80% bottom up - so you're four times more effective to work with the body with any psychogical intervention or developmental goal.
in a 20 minute call you will clarify
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At the practice
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