
Generally: long-term, integrative neuro-affective support for clients with 

  • deficits in attention, focus, emotion regulation, or impulse control 
  • worries/fears, depressive symptoms, 
  • unfavourable early attachment experiences and the resulting 
  • detrimental behaviours (from repression and self-numbing to over-compensation, stressful romantic relationship patterns or other compulsions and disliked parts of ourselves)

step by step: what to expect

On the first call you get a feeling for my personality and I get insights into your challenge. We define your demands: acute crisis/urgent appointment/deep dive? Or something that will take time because it took time - you grew your way into it and you will grow your way out of it. Be it about a change of intimacy in your relationship, a regret or past pain inflicted upon you or an upcoming decision that might hurt your values. Info for urgent cases: 

We arrange the first appointment at short notice, in preparation for which you will receive initial questionnaires by email, if your current stress level allows this. When we meet you have the opportunity to tell your story in detail. We look at, regulate the most impactful symptoms, thoughts, emotions or questions that you bring to the room and reduce your physiological stress level using somatic work. You will receive documents from me and document your goals, wishes and next steps with me. We will have 3 to 5 appointments within a few weeks or in approx. 3 half-day settings to get you ready to face the challenge, make the decision, have the talk. And we'll meet again for recapitulation. Many clients then decide to further grow their capacities.


Client examples: G. thrived in many areas of life in the practice a few years ago. He is getting in touch because his wife has confessed to an affair and both are unsure whether the relationship can be saved. The couple arranges three appointments with previously agreed on, detailed prompts each so that both can prepare for the topics and no one feels like they’re on trial. The couple clarifies causes, triggers, wishes, injuries, unsaid things, and expectations in a protected environment and with elements of psychodynamic partner work, transactional analysis and much more, and both gain a new level of togetherness. We arrange sparring appointments every six months in which new opportunities for growth, small ruptures and the dynamics of the couple’s system itself get space for reflection and acknowledgement.   

F. comes to the practice with the anniversary of her father’s passing approaching causing her great unrest and emotional distress, which her partner is overwhelmed to deal with. The relationship is suffering, the first symptoms of insomnia, a tendency to brood, irritability and unfavourable compensatory behaviour show (alcohol and food cravings). We first work on stabilising initial resources, calming the nervous system and developing a behavioural roadmap. In three consecutive intense sessions, we work on the loss of her father in relation to what was left unsaid and dissolve themes of guilt, shame, and anger using various tools from psychology and applied neuroscience, thus integrating dysfunctional patterns. In a follow-up meeting we create the stability and freedom to look at her relationship with more openness, which we then re-strengthen in a ten-week collaboration. 

step by step: weeks or months together__

We can arrange an appointment in advance to get to know each other personally or directly setup the onboarding. This can be two weekend afternoons or a whole day with you in the focus. Time for introspection, lots of reflection and new perspectives. We create a comprehensive anamnesis for a status check of your individual life domains. We develop action plans and shed light on low hanging fruits and also where the most resistance can be expected, and develop an individual roadmap and set of tools and resources for your goal. The timing of the two monthly appointments and weekly check-ins is flexible and not tied to time slots or days of the week, but to your needs and calendar entries.


Client examples: A young man comes to me with increasingly frequent panic attacks, aggressive tendencies and hypersensitivity - everything worries and stresses him. In two onboarding afternoons, we get a clear picture of the connections between inner motives, external stimuli and past influences, as well as opportunities for greater well-being and immediately available agency. Over the course of two months, with the help of powerful emotion regulation tools, we achieve reliably accessible inner peace, a dissolution of dysfunctional thought and behaviour patterns and a re-contextualisation of perception and impulse management.

The managing director of a traditional company is struggling with a wave of layoffs. He has nightmares, skin rashes and is easily moved to tears. We take an intensive day to settle into work, go for walks (so-called walk&talks), sense into the self, so the client gets the opportunity for a personal inventory, to recenter himself and to start to let go of tensions that come with a great responsibility. Over the course of three months, we work on self-image and self-worth and, in this case, the underlying implications of his role as a son of a demanding and distant businessman.

A couple comes to work on their attachment behaviour. Their relationship is loving, but also unfree, and both want more intimacy. Coming from very different cultures, we carefully and gently examine the different degrees of possible closeness. We establish a safety net in which the comfort zone can be expanded, to then integrate past hurtful attachment experiences. Patterns and recurring themes are openly analysed and resolved with solutions that are fair, feasible, and doable for both partners and anchored on a neurological level over the course of ten months.

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