You will receive a monthly invoice that will read "consulting" and is tax-deductible. Appointments cancelled less than 24 hours will be charged fully. Individual payment plans and rate reduction possible. A minimum of three pro bono cases per month available. Online sessions available with adjusted modalities depending on the topic.
NEW SLOTS FOR THE HIIT-PROGRAM: 12 weeks intensive for clarity, agency and more satisfaction in your private and business life
You 're on the edge, overwhelmed, and under-supported and need to talk to someone pretty much "right away", someone who's there. You have an urgent decision to make or a non-medical crisis after experiencing a break up, loss or painful interaction. For couples: you found out about infidelity or had to face a major challenge together. Details and practice examples
Up to 120 minutes. Short notice emergency slots on weekends and evenings reserved for this.
Individual session 260,- €
Dyadic/Couples session 295,- €
Including 19% VAT. Psychiatric emergencies will have to be directed and/or accompanied to the respective psychosocial service. Don't worry, this has not occured and rarely ever does in this context.
You want to get better, evolve and achieve your dreams or resolve a long hurting experience. Understanding your own underlying principles of adaptations, priming, and resources gives way to vast and lasting effects in all life domains, even on a cellular level. More information and client examples
Couples can reach a new level of intimacy, resolve conflict, even save a marriage. And also, mediate a divorce.
10 weeks 2.400,- €
6 months 4.500,- €
10 months 6.900,- €
+15% for couples and other dyadic dynamics
Including a full onboarding workshop day with extensive anamnesis, bi-monthly double sessions, weekly accountability support, transference exercises, follow up material, and a complete report on optimisation potential. VAT included.
Options like mediation, moderation, evaluation, creative sparring and my work as a reflective practicioner with extensive experience in communication strategies allow for hyper-individualised modalities with regard to therapeutic interventions, depth and frequency.
Retreat week programme for a nervous system reset via zoom available.
Upon request.
For corporate inquiries regarding mental health awareness, burnout prevention, stress management and neuroscience workshops, talks and seminars:
Press inquiries and pro bono requests via eMail, please.
Disclaimer: psychological examination upon request, clients with psychiatric clinical pictures need to provide medical clearance to work with me.
..other practices charge less and work with 50 minute sessions. I know and I know it's a lot of money you're investing. Not in me, with my fancy certificates and all the knowledge and experience, or because my work is very efficient and gets stuff done where others told clients "I guess you gotta learn to live with that". You're investing in the transformation that you want to see in your life. Time, energy, also money, but mostly the implied committment to confidently take over the driver seat of your life. The price doesn't reflect the number of questionnaires you get to take home (quite a few), expressed emotions per minute or the degree of exhaustion after an exercise. It's partly the value of learning a new language (two, that is - nonverbal communication as well as interoception, your ability to accurately read your physical information/sensations which plays a major role in many psychological issues from anxiety to impulse control problems and the heaviness in mood disorders).
Change, development, and growth are processes that have no shortcut no matter how much you'd pay - neuroplasticity (change in brain patterns and connections) is almost magic and we're glad to have it - give it an all-encompassing approach, follow through and you will quickly see lasting results and an upward spiral of health (with no end after our work is done). I am your ticket to the fast lane with this and I'm also the provider of a first-class experience going through something that many others are not willing to do and many of our parents definitely should have done before having us.
in a 20 minute call you will clarify
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At the practice
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