The never ending tasks and bureaucratic nightmares, an angry teenage daughter, grief, world politics, missing your family, the new job.
For couples: one topic with two opinions, repeating themes and patterns in conflict.
Healthy sleep (or nutrition, digestion, routines), the kindness of a loved one who left, the ability to relax, perservere, feel connected.
For couples: closeness and trust, excitement and joy, a common vision, boundaries, fixing a rupture.
HORRIBLE!! Or simply not right. And you feel agitated, angry, anxious, ashamed, bitter, disappointed, embarrassed, fearful, frustrated, guilty, helpless, hurt, inferior, and/or the rest of the alphabet. And you need a genuine connection to get you co- and then self-regulation. Especially effective in healthy romantic relationships.
in a 20-25 minutes call you will clarify
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At the practice
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