Applied Interpersonal Neuroscience 
for an integrated mind

"reality, perception and feelings
all start with your nervous system" 


Resolve stress in your every day life, job, and relationships
Understand your biological imperatives for optimal mental and physiological health.
Apply emotion regulation and sensomotoric processing to integrate past experiences and current patterns.


stress management__

A balanced, resilient mind for optimal psychological health and your full potential. Finding and developing individual inner resources and lifestyle adjustments for a routinely upward-spiralled life no matter the challenge. more..


personal development__

Various life domains such as family, career, creative growth, relationship, and academic achievement and factors such as cognition, attachment, values, and beliefs allow for a multitude of new possible You_s and meaningful growth. more..

relational health__

Experience a neurophysiologically deeper level of connection with your partner, family, and friends. Develop wide mental and physiological capacities for communication, emotion regulation, and themes of boundaries or closeness. more..


mental health__

Themes of anxiety, burnout, compulsive behaviours (workaholics, excessive exercisers, foodies, nightlife), lack of impulse control, and psychosomatic symptoms and embodied suffering after severe distress (interpersonal, transitional, experiential). Find out what's possible

experiential integration__

Resolve inner and interpersonal patterns and recurring themes in conflicts by differentiating and integrating dysfunctional memories, thoughts, and behaviours - for an emotionally full-HD experience of life. more..


attachment work__

Our earliest interactions shape our neural pathways, our personality and emotion processing, as well as our epigenetic activation (that is a major part of our overall physical health and life expectancy). And we get to modify it - in individual sessions or with your partner.

Why so many areas and disciplines? It's just the one - the human curriculum, with all its underlying neuroscience that gives way to everything from respiration to thought to fighting with your spouse. Thus, only a deeply systemic approach gives way to holisitic growth. In science, this is referred to as Wiki: Consilience

"the unity of science can be considered in terms of a circle of the sciences, where logic is the foundation for mathematics, which is the foundation for mechanics and physics, and physics is the foundation for chemistry, which is the foundation for biology, which is the foundation for sociology, the moral sciences, psychology, and the theory of knowledge, and the theory of knowledge forms a basis for logic, completing the circle,[13] without implying that any science could be reduced to any other" Jean Piaget, 1918 source and source

New slots available for HIIT // High Intensity Interval Training for the mind. Find out more

in a 20-25 minutes call you will clarify

  • whether you're gonna be comfortable working with me
  • if and how my work will be suitable for your individual situation
  • what to expect regarding themes, times, costs, and possible challenges

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no payment method available
payment modality

At the practice


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